Celebrating Meghan Markle, The New Duchess

Meghan Markle...The New Duchess has now become the new "it" girl in Fashion!    
From her sailor-like navy striped blazer to the infamous Philip Treacy Berets.... her style has quickly become a style icon. A pair of Manolo Blahnik pumps accompany her many ensembles but her sleek intricate detail in fashion gives a new meaning to fashion.  Below you will find Meghan (the new Duchess) wearing a sheer white dress accompanied by a Philip Treacy Beret.  Cost: $1,988

Her intricate style is award winning and certainly BLOG worthy! 
Want the same look but without the big bucks???

​Check out this Sleek belted black dress found at CoCo Couture for a little over $900,
Get this same look from CoCo Couture  http://www.thecococouture.com for over Half the price! 

Shop our website for more at http://www.thecococouture.com or, visit our store at 19818 N Cove Suite B Cornelius, NC  28031. ( We're open from 10am-5pm Monday through Saturday)


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