Meghan Markle, the 36-year-old former actress from Los Angeles, will marry Prince Harry at Windsor Castle on May 19. Ms. Markle is known as a self-made woman who has long stood up for causes she believes in. Together with Prince Harry, they have already shown a dedication to various philanthropic works.
As a result of her rising star power, Ms. Markle is quickly becoming a fashion icon. The denim jeans she wore on her first public appearance with Prince Harry sold out in minutes, as did a handbag she carried during her first official appearance after her engagement. And the black jeans she was pictured in earlier this year caused the manufacturer to build a bigger factory to handle the increased demand.
In recent years Ms. Markle has become a fan of Canadian designers, due in part to her stay in that country while filming the American TV show, Suits. Canadian fashion brands are taking on a widening global appeal thanks to Ms. Markle’s patronage. CoCo Couture’s favorite Canadian designer, Frank Lyman, will likely benefit from this increased interest.
Ms. Markle has received much praise for her life story to date. She is known for her graceful demeanor, independent streak, strong sense of self, and “relatable” personality. Friends have called her a Life Curator with an impeccable sense of taste.
Meghan-mania should become even more intense after Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of Wales (as of now, her official title after the marriage) enters the ranks of nobility. She will likely make many Americans proud.
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