TODAY is National Watermelon Day!!!!! Did you know that Watermelon is 92% water, which is why it is so satifying in the summer at picnics and fairs. And if your looking for a cool and comfortable outfit to wear to such an event @ CoCo Couture has what your looking for. Check out the NEW designer GRETCHEN SCOTT!!!
Georgette Peony Paradise Silk Blouse
Grande Bazaar Spandex Jeans
Blue & White Jersey Pagoda Paradise Dress
Mandarin Dress Palm Palm in Red/Blue
FYI watermelons can grow enourmous, and you will find competitions across the country which award prizes each year for the largest one. The Guinness Book of World Records states that the heaviest watermelon weighed 262 pounds. To learn more refreshing watermelon facts, check out
Celebrate with the rest of the country today and have a slice or two!!!!#NationalWatermelonDay.
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